13 Best Halloween Diffuser Blends {free printable}

Halloween is creeping nearer and nearer.ย  It’s time to start getting ready to host the parties, celebrate with family, and hand out candy to all those adorable trick-or-treaters.


I love to decorate for Halloween, but for me it’s more than just the piles of pumpkins, cobwebs, and broomsticks.ย  I love to create an immersive atmosphere complete with the sounds and scents of the season.


I used to fill my home with Halloween scents from toxic candles and room sprays filled with harsh chemicals.ย  But now I know that we don’t need to use artificial fragrances to fill our homes with all the wonderful aromas of fall.ย  I can get the same sweet and spooky scents by diffusing essential oils.


No tricks, just treats here.

I’ve got a whole bunch of fun Halloween diffuser blends to share with you that are the perfect way to add a fun, spooky atmosphere to your home.

And youโ€™re in for a treat because I include a free printable of all the diffuser blends!



Halloween Diffuser Blends by oneessentialcommunity.com - shows essential oil diffuser with mist along with graphics of spider and spider web



Best Essential Oils for Halloween

There are many essential oils that are perfect for evoking the spirit of Halloween.ย  Just choose the type of mood that you want to set.ย  Hosting a kids’ party?ย  Then maybe choose a blend that uses sweet essential oils and smells like Halloween candy.ย  Want your home to feel warm & cozy, then choose a mix of essential soils like cinnamon bark, clove, and ginger.ย  Or maybe you want to have the scariest house on the block?ย  Then choose essential oils from the spooky collection below.ย  There’s a mix of woodsy oils that remind one of being deep inside an enchanted forest along with floral notes reminiscent ofย  something that might be simmering in a witch’s cauldron.ย  No matter which you choose, you’re sure to have the best smelling house for Halloween.


sweet (like Halloween candy):ย  lemon, orange, tangerine, mandarin, grapefruit, vanilla

warm & spicy:ย  cinnamon, clove, ginger, nutmeg, cassia, cardamom, black pepper, coffee

spooky:ย  patchouli, vetiver, lavender, ylang ylang, cedarwood, cypress, frankincense, sandalwood, arborvitae, copaiba, spruce, fir, pine



Sweet Halloween Diffuser Blends


1. Candy Corn

You’ve got to try this one to believe it.ย  It seems odd at first glance, but mixing lemon, orange, and wintergreen together really does smell like candy corn.ย  It’s amazing!

2 drops lemon + 2 drops orange + 2 drops wintergreen



2. Trick or Treat

The joyful smell of walking house to house with your friends on Halloween night in your costumes, collecting way, way too much candy for any one person to eat.


3 drops copaiba + 2 drops bergamot + 1 drop grapefruit + 1 drop cedarwood



3. Cotton Candy

All the sweetness of spun sugar, without the sticky fingers or calories.


3 drops grapefruit + 3 drops ylang ylang + 2 drops vanilla


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4. Friendly Ghost

Who says all ghosts have to be scary?ย  This friendly ghost blend is all treat and no trick.ย  It has just the right about of sweetness but also the warmth of vanilla and the freshness of spearmint.


2 drops spearmint + 2 drops lemon + 2 drops orange + 2 drops vanilla



5. Frankinfruit

Inspired by the famous Halloween monster, Frankenstein, this blend has a clever mash-up of a name, FRANKINcense + grapeFRUIT= Frankinfruit.ย  But not only does it have a clever name, this essential oil blend smells fantastic!


3 drops frankincense + 3 drops grapefruit + 2 drops lime



Sweet Halloween Diffuser Blends 1. Candy Corn 2 drops lemon + 2 drops orange + 2 drops wintergreen 2. Trick or Treat 3 drops copaiba + 2 drops bergamot + 1 drop grapefruit + 1 drop cedarwood 3. Cotton Candy 3 drops grapefruit + 3 drops ylang ylang + 2 drops vanilla 4. Friendly Ghost 2 drops spearmint + 2 drops lemon + 2 drops orange + 2 drops vanilla 5. Frankinfruit 3 drops frankincense + 3 drops grapefruit + 2 drops lime



Warm & Spicy Halloween Diffuser Blends


6. Pumpkin Spice Latte

Look no further for your perfect autumn morning blend.ย  Put this PSL blend in your diffuser for a boost of energy plus the quintessential smell of fall.


3 drops coffee + 2 drops cinnamon bark + 1 drop clove + 1 drop ginger + 1 drop orange + 1 drop cardamom



7. Haunted House

Set the mood for a spooky evening with this warm and woodsy blend.


2 drops orange + 2 drops cedarwood + 2 drops frankincense + 1 drop ginger + 2 drops clove



8. Graveyard

Going to be up late conjuring spirits or other Halloween party games?ย  Put this blend in the diffuser to keep everyone going all night long.


3 drops coffee + 3 drops orange + 1 drop cinnamon bark + 1 drop clove



9. Spooktacular!

Hosting a Halloween party?ย  Set the tone with this Spooktacular blend of autumn scents that reminds me of warm apple cider.


1 drop frankincense + 1 drop cedarwood + 1 drop sandalwood + 1 drop ginger + 1 drop clove + 2 drops orange



Spicy Halloween Diffuser Blends 6. Pumpkin Spice Latte 3 drops coffee + 2 drops cinnamon bark + 1 drop clove + 1 drop ginger + 1 drop orange + 1 drop cardamom 7. Haunted House 2 drops orange + 2 drops cedarwood + 2 drops frankincense + 1 drop ginger + 2 drops clove 8. Graveyard 3 drops coffee + 3 drops orange + 1 drop cinnamon bark + 1 drop clove 9. Spooktacular! 1 drop frankincense + 1 drop cedarwood + 1 drop sandalwood + 1 drop ginger + 1 drop clove + 2 drops orange



Spooky Halloween Diffuser Blends


10. Hocus Pocus

There’s just something mystical about patchouli.ย  Diffuse it and something magical is bound to happen.


2 drops frankincense + 2 drops patchouli + 3 drops orange



11. Enchanted Forest

Transport yourself deep into the magical woods where anything can happen with this blend of earthy, woodsy essential oils.


2 drops spruce + 1 drop pine + 2 drops patchouli + 2 drops lavender + 1 drop frankincense + 1 drop cedarwood



12. Black Cat

This essential oil blend aims to keep you in good fortune even if a black cat crosses your path.


2 drops black pepper + 2 drops orange + 2 drops tangerine + 1 drop cedarwood



13. Witch’s Brew

Double double toil and trouble.ย  Welcome to the spooky side of aromatherapy!


1 drop ylang ylang + 2 drops eucalyptus + 2 drops lavender + 2 drops spearmint



Spooky Halloween Diffuser Blends 10. Hocus Pocus 2 drops frankincense + 2 drops patchouli + 3 drops orange 11. Enchanted Forest 2 drops spruce + 1 drop pine + 2 drops patchouli + 2 drops lavender + 1 drop frankincense + 1 drop cedarwood 12. Black Cat 2 drops black pepper + 2 drops orange + 2 drops tangerine + 1 drop cedarwood 13. Witch's Brew 1 drop ylang ylang + 2 drops eucalyptus + 2 drops lavender + 2 drops spearmint



How to use diffuser recipes?

  1. find the diffuser blend you want to try – There are 13 Halloween essential oil diffuser blends to pick from above.ย  Find the one that suits your mood, find a new one to try, or find one that has the emotional/physical essential oil benefits you need.ย  If you don’t have a specific essential oil, don’t worry.ย  Either you can substitute a similar oil or try one of the other recipes.ย  There are sure to be a few for which you have all the needed oils.
  2. add water to your diffuser (tip:ย  be sure to stop filling below the little line inside your diffuser.ย  Ultrasonic diffusers need to have space at the top so that the water can move back and forth rapidly enough to turn into the cold mist that comes out of the top of the diffuser.ย  If you fill the water level too high, then you won’t get as much mist out of the diffuser.ย  Less water (more space at the top) equals more mist.ย  Too much water (little to no space at the top) equals little to no mist.)
  3. add the essential oils to the water (tip:ย  the diffuser blend recipes are written for 300ml diffusers, but you can easily adjust the recipes to work for any size of diffuser.ย  See the next section below for tips on how to adjust the recipes)
  4. put the cover on your diffuser
  5. plug in your diffuser and turn it on

Don’t have a diffuser?ย  Don’t worry you can still diffuse essential oils. ย  25 ways to diffuse without a diffuser and 15 ways to make your home smell like fall



How many drops of essential oil should I use in my diffuser?

These Halloween diffuser blends were created for a 300ml diffuser, but you can easily adjust the recipes to work for every size of diffuser.

150ml and smaller diffusers:ย  cut the recipes in half so that you use 3-4 drops of essential oil

200ml-400ml diffusers:ย  use the diffuser blends as is (5-8 drops of essential oil)

500ml and larger diffuser:ย  double the diffuser recipes so that you use 10-15 drops of essential oil



Be Sure to Diffuse Safely

  • Follow the instructions that came with your diffuser.
  • A little goes a long way.ย  Be careful not to diffuse more drops of essential oil than what’s recommended for your diffuser.
  • Don’t run your diffuser constantly.ย  Instead, choose the intermittent option if you have it on your diffuser.ย  This will automatically run the diffuser for a few minutes and then stop diffusing for several minutes (typically 30-60 minutes on followed by 30-60 minutes off).
  • Different essential oils have different safety practices.ย  If others (humans and pets) will be in the vicinity of the diffuser, follow a couple of safe practices. 1) Be familiar with the essential oils in the diffuser blend you’re using.ย  Are they safe for the age and health conditions of everyone in the area?ย  2) Make sure that humans and pets always have access to fresh air and can leave the area if they want to.
  • Clean your diffuser regularly so that oil residue doesn’t build up.


click here to get a free printable with all 13 Halloween Essential Oil Blends for Your Diffuser

click to get a free printable of all 13 Halloween essential oil diffuser blend recipes



More Ways to Scent Your Home for Halloween

  1. Make a Halloween room spray

    • add 1-2 tablespoons of either witch hazel OR Epsom salt to a 4 oz spray bottle
    • add 20-25 drops essential oil (that’s about 3X any of the Halloween diffuser blends above)
    • fill with distilled water
    • shake well to mix
  2. freshen as you vacuum

    • put a few drops of your favorite essential oil (or EO combination) on a small piece of a napkin or tissue
    • then vacuum it up
    • The scent will be released as you vacuum, and your whole house will smell AMAZING!
  3. Make a mini pumpkin air freshener

    • hollow out a mini pumpkin
    • fill it with Epsom salts
    • mix in the essential oils from any of the Halloween diffuser blends above
    • place in bathrooms, laundry rooms, offices, or other small spaces
  4. Make a monster repellent to keep all those ghosts, goblins, and monsters away at bedtime

    • start with a 4 oz spray bottle
    • add 1-2 tablespoons of either witch hazel OR Epsom salt
    • add 4 drops lavender, 3 drops vetiver, and 2 drops cedarwood
    • shake well to mix
    • spray in corners, under bed, in closet, etc
  5. Find more ideas here – 15 Ways to Use Essential Oils to Make Your Home Smell Like Fall


Diffuser Blends for Every Season of the Year

  1. fall

  2. winter

  3. Christmas

  4. springย 

  5. summer


More Diffuser Recipes You Might Enjoy

  1. clear breathing

  2. boost energy

  3. sleep

  4. calming

  5. Peppermint

  6. Lemon

  7. Lavender



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Please note: Products mentioned in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This website is not a substitute for professional care.ย  Always consult your medical doctor regarding your medical care. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Disclaimer: Please know that this website contains affiliate links. This means that should you click on certain links, and then subsequently purchase a product, I will receive a small commission. The price is exactly the same for you as it would be without the affiliate link.ย 


Halloween Diffuser Blends by oneessentialcommunity.com -- along with diffuser, mist, and velvet pumpkin

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Sarah Lewis

A little thing about me: I ๐Ÿ’™ essential oils. I also love using my background in research to help people learn more about essential oils and all the wonderful ways they can be used. I share DIY recipes for natural cleaners that really work, non-toxic beauty solutions, and holistic wellness. My essential oil recipes, info, and tips have been viewed more than 20 million times. I've been featured on MindBodyGreen, Health & Natural Living, All Natural Ideas, This Natural Home, Natural Living Ideas, and Passion for Savings.
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