Winter Blues Body Spray

The winter blues is very common during the colder, darker days of winter.

Since we tend to stay inside more, we may not be getting as much fresh air and sunshine as we do during the rest of the year.

As a result, many of us may feel more tired, sad, or irritated from time to time during the winter months.


This homemade body spray is made with uplifting essential oils.

There are 5 recipes so that you can customize the scent to your preference.  All 5 body spray recipes promote feelings of happiness, peace, and calm.  Choose the blend that suits you best.  Whether that’s the fruity sweet scent of bergamot & orange, the woodsy fresh scent of spruce & sandalwood, or the warm floral scent of lemon, lavender & frankincense.


Help lift your spirits with this easy-to-make winter blues body spray.


Winter Blues body spray title image with spray bottle with custom label, essential oil bottles



What’s in these uplifting essential oil body sprays?


  • 190 proof grain alcohol (such as Everclear)

The alcohol serves two purposes in this body spray:  1.  It kills bacteria, which helps the body spray last longer, and 2.  it’s a solvent that effectively blends essential oil with water.  It’s the alcohol that dilutes the essential oil in this body spray to skin-safe levels.

Here’s how it works:

    • Fat-soluble things like essential oils don’t like to mix with water-soluble things like water.  It’s like the old saying, “oil and water don’t mix.”
    • The 190 proof grain alcohol (Everclear) acts as a solvent to help the essential oils blend well with the water.  That is, the alcohol dissolves the essential oils into the water so that the essential oils can be blended and diluted without separating.
    • In order for this to work best, you need to use a minimum of 25% alcohol to 75% water.  That 1:3 ratio of alcohol to water is what is used in this body spray.
    • That 1:3 (or higher) ratio of alcohol to water allows the alcohol, essential oils, and water to all become one blended substance.  When properly blended like this, the essential oils and water will no longer separate.  They are no longer the separate distinct entities of essential oil and water.  They are now one cohesive blend of water and essential oils that cannot be separated back into their original parts.


  • essential oils

I share 5 different uplifting essential oil blends in the recipe below.  All of them promote feelings of happiness, peace, and calm.

Choose the blend that suits you best.

Whether that’s the fruity sweet scent of bergamot & orange, the woodsy fresh scent of spruce & sandalwood, or the warm floral scent of lemon, lavender & frankincense.


  • distilled water

Using distilled water, or alternatively, boiled and cooled filtered water prolongs the shelf life of these body sprays.

The water dilutes the essential oils and gives the perfumes a lighter, everyday scent.



Winter Blues body spray with essential oils ingredients and materials, spray bottles, water, essential oil bottles, measuring cup, funnel, custom label



How to make winter blues body spray to uplift your spirit

step 1:  add 2 tablespoons of 190 proof grain alcohol (like Everclear) to a 4 ounce spray bottle

tip:  The 190 proof grain alcohol is the best choice to dilute the essential oils.  Since this body spray will be used topically and there isn’t a carrier oil, it’s important to use this high-proof alcohol to dilute the essential oils.  A lower proof alcohol (like vodka) or other choice (like witch hazel or Epsom salt), that I might use to help with diluting in room sprays, aren’t as good at diluting essential oils as the 190 proof alcohol.  So for this body spray, be sure to use the 190 proof grain alcohol.

tip:  If you don’t want to use Everclear, you may successfully substitute with perfumer’s alcohol or 91% isopropyl alcohol.

tip: Choose a spray bottle that’s made from materials safe to use with diluted essential oils.  Glass, stainless steel, and certain types of plastic (plastic #1 HDPE or plastic #2 PET) work well.

tip:  Using a funnel makes it really easy to add ingredients to a spray bottle.


pouring Everclear through funnel into spray bottle first step in making Winter Blues body spray with essential oils



step 2:  add 25-30 drops essential oils

Here are some of my favorite uplifting essential oil blends that work great in this winter blues body spray.  They not only smell great, they also work with your body to raise spirits and uplift mood.


option 1:  7 drops frankincense + 7 drops lemon + 4 drops lavender  + 4 drops bergamot + 4 drops cedarwood

option 2:  15 drops grapefruit + 10 drops sandalwood + 5 drops frankincense

option 3:  10 drops bergamot + 10 drops sweet orange (aka wild orange) + 7 drops peppermint

option 4:  7 drops spruce + 12 drops sweet orange (aka wild orange) + 5 drops sandalwood + 2 drops cinnamon

option 5:  8 drops sweet orange (aka wild orange) + 6 drops frankincense + 6 drops cedarwood + 2 drops ginger


adding essential oil through funnel to spray bottle while making Winter Blues body spray with essential oils



step 3:  fill with distilled water

tip: Leave a little room at the top.  That way body spray won’t overflow when you add the spray top.


pouring distilled water from measuring cup through funnel into spray bottle making Winter Blues body spray with essential oils



step 4:  put on the spray top and shake well to combine


filled blue spray bottle in foreground, essential oil bottles and measuring cup in background, items used to make Winter Blues body spray with essential oils



step 5:  add a label ( click here for a free printable label)

tip:  You can print this label on full-sheet label paper, or do what I do and print the label on regular printer paper and attach it to the spray bottle with packing tape.  It’s cheap and easy to do.  Plus, I find that the labels stay on better using packing tape than with regular label paper, and the packing tape protects the label really well, which keeps the labels looking great for a long time.

tip:  To help the label stick really well, first wipe the tube clean with a little rubbing alcohol.  Allow to dry and then apply the label.


finished assembly in Winter Blues body spray in blue spray bottle with custom label, body spray with essential oils, other spray bottle and essential oils bottles in background



How to use

  1. just any case there’s been any separation, shake well before each use
  2. spritz either directly on skin or spray into air then walk through body spray mist (safety note: if using one of the recipes with bergamot, lemon, or grapefruit essential oils, do not apply to any skin that may be exposed to sun.  These essential oils can increase photosensitivity and you could get a sunburn, rash, or another reaction.  If using one of those blends and will be out in the sun, apply body spray to your stomach, chest, legs, or other areas that won’t be exposed to sun.)
  3. reapply as desired



click here for your free printable label and recipe sheet

link to printable Winter Blues Body Spray recipe and label



Winter Blues body spray title image One Essential Community blue spray bottle with essential oils body spray with custom label



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uplift your spirit with Winter Blues body spray recipe with essential oils One Essential Community blue spray bottles with custom labels essential oil bottles pouring essential oils through funnel into spray bottle

Photo of author

Sarah Lewis

A little thing about me: I 💙 essential oils. I also love using my background in research to help people learn more about essential oils and all the wonderful ways they can be used. I share DIY recipes for natural cleaners that really work, non-toxic beauty solutions, and holistic wellness. My essential oil recipes, info, and tips have been viewed more than 20 million times. I've been featured on MindBodyGreen, Health & Natural Living, All Natural Ideas, This Natural Home, Natural Living Ideas, and Passion for Savings.
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