Makeup Remover Pads

One thing that’s helped my skin a lot over the past few years is removing my makeup before I wash my face.


Like many things beauty related, it was my teenage daughter who introduced me to the idea.  Initially, this seemed like a very odd concept to me.  For decades I had simply been washing my face with a cleanser.  Why would I take my makeup off before cleansing my face?  It seemed unnecessary and like double the work at a time of day when I was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and get as much sleep I could before the alarm went off the next morning.


But then I tried it.

I used a makeup remover to take my makeup off before washing my face.

And it was a game changer for me.  A game changer!


Not only did it make it easier for my to quickly wash my face, but my skin was so much better with using the makeup remover than it was with the cleansing alone.  My pores looked smaller, my skin was less red, my skin tone looked more even, I didn’t get as many breakouts.  It was amazing.  Such a simple thing that literally took me less than a minute to do had made such a big difference.



DIY natural Makeup Remover Pads with essential oils title image with pads and essential oil bottles



What’s in Makeup Remover Wipes?

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Castile soap is made from simple plant oils and is considered safe and gentle even for sensitive skin.  It helps to remove makeup without drying out skin.


You may have heard of shea butter that’s often used in body butters and other skincare DIYs.  Shea oil is made from the same African karite tree nut as shea butter, but instead of being a thick butter, the shea oil has a lighter consistency that is perfect for this recipe.

It’s rich in oleic and stearic essential fatty acids, making it a superfood for your face.

As an oil, it easily dissolves makeup without the drying effect of many facial cleaners.


Witch hazel is a natural astringent that minimizes the appearance of pores, reduces inflammation and skin irritations, decreases oil and redness, and leaves skin feeling clean and refreshed.


  • lavender essential oil

Lavender calms and soothes skin, reduces redness, and has potent antioxidants for healthy skin.


  • tea tree essential oil (aka melaleuca)

Tea tree penetrates deep into pores and unblocks sebaceous glands, kills bacteria, and reduces inflammation.  It dries out pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, and other blemishes.


  • frankincense essential oil

Frankincense essential oil improves skin tone, promotes new cell growth, and improves elasticity.


  • distilled water

Water helps to dilute the Castile soap and oil mixture.  That has two benefits: 1) the mixture is more easily absorbed by the cotton rounds used to make the makeup remover wipes and 2) because you only need to use about half as much Castile soap and shea oil and the other half is distilled water, it lessens the cost of the homemade wipes.




Homemade Face Wash Pads, shea butter oil, essential oil bottles, measuring cups, jars, custom labels

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How to make makeup remover wipes

step 1:   add 2 teaspoons unscented liquid Castile soap to 8 oz. jar


pouring liquid Castile soap into clear glass jar for making DIY makeup remover pads with essential oils



step 2:  add 2 teaspoons witch hazel


adding witch hazel to clear glass jar making DIY natural makeup remover pads with essential oils face wash pads



step 3:  add 3 to 4 tablespoons shea oil

note:  This is NOT shea BUTTER.   It is shea OIL which is much thinner and more of a liquid than shea butter.  This is important so that the shea oil will mix well with the other ingredients.


pouring shea oil from measuring spoon into clear glass jar making natural makeup remover pads with essential oils



step 4:  add the following essential oils

5 drops lavender essential oil

5 drops tea tree essential oil

3 drops frankincense essential oil


adding essential oil from bottle to clear glass jar making DIY makeup remover pads with essential oils and other natural ingredients

stirring homemade makeup remover mixture in clear glass jar with wooden stick for use on homemade makeup remover pads with essential oils



step 5:  add 1/4 cup distilled water, then stir well

note: Jar should be about halfway full at this point.  You want to leave enough room for adding the cotton rounds to the jar.


adding distilled water to makeup remover recipe for all natural face wash pads with essential oils

stirring makeup remover with wooden stick in clear glass jar for DIY face wash pads with essential oils



step 6:  add 15-20 cotton rounds to jar, then put lid on jar and shake.  This will help to evenly distribute the liquid on the cotton rounds.


makeup remover in clear glass jar next to stack of cotton rounds pads for all-natural homemade makeup remover pads with essential oils

DIY makeup remover pads with essential oils and other all-natural ingredients homemade face wash pads



step 7:  add label  { get your free printable label here}

tip:  You can print this label on full-sheet label paper, or do what I do and print the label on regular printer paper and attach it to the spray bottle with packing tape.  It’s cheap and easy to do.  Plus, I find that the labels stay on better using packing tape than with regular label paper, and the packing tape protects the label really well, which keeps the labels looking great for a long time.

tip:  To help the label stick really well, first wipe the tube clean with a little rubbing alcohol.  Allow to dry and then apply the label.


DIY makeup remover with essential oils in clear glass jar with custom homemade face wash pads label next to essential oil bottles



DIY makeup remover pads in clear glass jar all-natural recipe with essential oils



How to use

  1. Use one makeup remover pad at a time.   Gently wipe upwards.  Use as many pads as needed to remove all makeup.  I usually use 2-3 makeup remover wipes each night.  When done, toss used makeup remover wipes in trash.
  2. After removing makeup, wash face with my homemade foaming face wash (here’s my recipe – there are versions for pretty much every skin type – oily, sensitive, acne-prone, dry, mature, normal)
  3. Apply this gentle homemade toner (recipe here).  Use gentle upwards motion all over face (avoiding eyes) – shake toner bottle well before each use
  4. Finish by moisturizing skin with my DIY face serum (here’s the recipe – just like my foaming face wash there are customized recipes of carrier oil and essential oil blends just right for your skin type whether you have dry, oily, acne-prone, mature, or sensitive skin)



Where to get supplies?

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unscented liquid Castile soap

shea oil

witch hazel

essential oils

distilled water- You can find distilled water in the water aisle of your grocery store, Target, or Walmart.  Alternatively, if you don’t have distilled water you can substitute with boiled and cooled filtered water.

organic cotton rounds

8 oz glass jars – Walmart and Target usually have these in their canning aisle, or you can find online here

label ( click here for a free printable of label and recipe)

Link to Printable Makeup Remover Pads recipe from One Essential Community using essential oils


homemade makeup remover pads all-natural with essential oils ingredients in measuring spoons and bowls with essential oil bottles and custom homemade face wash pads label



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Please note: Products mentioned in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This website is not a substitute for professional care.  Always consult your medical doctor regarding your medical care. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Disclaimer: Please know that this website contains affiliate links. This means that should you click on certain links, and then subsequently purchase a product, I will receive a small commission. The price is exactly the same for you as it would be without the affiliate link.  


homemade makeup remover pads with essential oils DIY face wash pads all natural

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Sarah Lewis

A little thing about me: I 💙 essential oils. I also love using my background in research to help people learn more about essential oils and all the wonderful ways they can be used. I share DIY recipes for natural cleaners that really work, non-toxic beauty solutions, and holistic wellness. My essential oil recipes, info, and tips have been viewed more than 20 million times. I've been featured on MindBodyGreen, Health & Natural Living, All Natural Ideas, This Natural Home, Natural Living Ideas, and Passion for Savings.
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